Our group of QAFP-labelled products includes:

Turkey Breast fillet

Turkey breast meat is easily digestible and low in calories. It contains of a significant amount of easily absorbable protein – 100g of the product contains almost 22g of protein and only 7g of fat. It is characterised by a delicate taste and aroma and is perfect for frying, roasting, and grilling.

Turkey breast tenderloin

The noblest and healthiest part of the turkey carcass. It contains a range of micro- and macro-elements, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc responsible for supporting the immune system, brain functioning, muscle regeneration, and energy supply to the body2. Tenderloins perfectly match a variety of sauces.

Schnitzel made of turkey breast fillet

This part of the turkey carcass contains large amounts of protein, an ingredient that protects against the loss of muscle weight while dieting and facilitates regeneration after strenuous workout. Moreover, it is a source of B vitamins: niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, and vitamin B12. A perfect product for making juicy chops for a family dinner.

Meat for turkey thigh stew

An excellent alternative to red meat, a source of many valuable nutrients, perfect for all one-pot dishes.

Turkey trimmed thigh

A skinless turkey thigh is characterised by a high content of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and niacin (vitamin B3). It also contains sodium and zinc; the latter supports protein synthesis, maintains correct cognitive abilities, healthy bones, hair, nails and skin. Trimmed thigh is delicious when roasted.

Turkey meat is famous for its health benefits – it contains a small amount of fat and a substantial supply of protein, additionally it is highly absorbable and exceptionally easily digestible.
Besides, it contains such micronutrients as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc, which support proper body functioning. This type of meat is rich in B vitamins: niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine that are vital for growth and proper development of the nervous system. It also contains a significant amount of vitamin B12 that is indispensable for the formation of red blood cells. Moreover, turkey meat is a source of vitamin D, which helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth and supports the proper functioning of the immune system.

That is why nutritionists recommend turkey meat to small children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, convalescents, the elderly, and people on a weight-loss diet.